In the next three days we explored the Egadian Islands: first we rounded and anchored at Levanzo, then Marettimo and finally Favignana and enjoyed the clear waters and impressive views.
On August 23rd we set sail along the south coast of Sicily to Sciacca, where we moored at Lega Navale, had a steep walk up to the top of Sciacca, where we had a very good dinner at Il Grappolo.

Next day we rounded the southern coast of Malta, then sailed north along the west coast and anchored in The Blue lagoon. August 29th we crossed back to Sicily, rounded Capo Passero and dropped anchor there in the north east bay. Next day we continued north to Syracusa, where we moored at Marina Yachting and had a traditional dinner at Vite e Vitello. After a nice sailing north via Brucoli we moored again in Catania harbor at at Diporto Nautico Etneo and had a leisurely dinner in the backstreets of catania at Metro.

Next day Gusti and Richard left for Austria and my new crew boarded: Aaron Kaplan, Christian Proschinger and Stefan Lenzhofer from cert.at . We visited Catania town and had a welcome dinner at Osteria Antica. On September 2nd we started from Catania and sailed in rather strong winds via Brucoli to Syracusa.
Next day we endured severe thunderstorms, so we stayed in Syracusa at Marina Yachting. On September 4th we sailed across the Straits of Sicily to the Blue Lagoon, where we dropped anchor at 03:00 in the morning.

This cruise took 17 days with 154 hours sailing a distance of 736sm. You may download our track in gpx-format or view it directly on Google Maps.
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