With my experienced sailing companion Kurt we left Olbia tacking against a fresh northerly breeze and spent a windy night at anchor in Cala Granu.
Early next morning we continued tacking in fine weather and northerly winds around Maddalena archipelago to Santa Teresa di Gallura, where we had a good dinner at Pape Satan.
Finally in the evening our second crew Aaron Kaplan came on board - exhausted from a long odyssey in search for his Alitalia lost luggage.

Next morning after cleaning the ashes from last night's fireworks and refueling we continued to Cala Fazziolu for a swim and then Cala Paragnanu for the night.

Next morning we sailed to Asinara and spent the night at a bouy in Cala Ponte Bianco. We rounded Pta dello Scorno early next day and sailed 55sm south to Capo Caccia and anchored in Cala del Bollo.
On September 13th we finally moored at Aquatica Marina in Alghero harbor.

We sailed 215sm in 50 hours. You may download our track in gpx-format or view it directly on Google Maps.
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