My new crew arrived June 6th in Bastia by ferry from Nice: Steffi, Vicky, David and and my son Matthias. After a good menu at Table du marche next day we bunkered some food and drinks and sailed north to Tamarone bay to refresh and enjoy the beach.

Late afternoon of June 8th we rounded Cap Corse and set course to Nice
in favourable southwesterly winds. During the night the wind decreased and after a small thunderstorm finally turned to a strong northeasterly breeze. With nice speed up to 8.5 knots we sailed into the bay of Villefrance, where we anchored near Espalmador.
Next morning we sailed into Nice Port Lympia, where we got a mooring place from the nice harbor office. We explored the city and had dinner at Le Romarin and an extraordinary gelato at Fenocchio.

June 11th we tacked along Monaco to SanRemo in nice winds. Next day we had to negotiate some thunderstorms and a very strong northeasterly wind with very high seas but finally reached our final destination: Porto Maurizio in the remarkable town of Imperia. We celebrated our cruise with a 5 course dinner at Olio Grosso and went home via Nice. Sea of Joy will stay in Porto Maurizio until July 7th.

We sailed 35h and logged 180sm in 6 days.