This blog starts the series of 2015 cruises
In April Sea of Joy got a new Maxprop propeller and new antifouling paint at Nautica Pinna in Bosa, which we can absolutely recommend.

24th of May I left Alghero with my sailing companion Kurt northwards, passing Capo Caccia, Capo Argentiera with high seas and finally through the famous Fornelli passage, where we anchored in cristal clear turquoise waters.
After a good swim we continued north along Bonifacio strait and anchored south of the Aragonese tower in Figari bay southwest of Corsica. Next morning strong southwesterly winds and high waves forced us to raise anchor and continue north with reefed sails to Propriano, where we had dinner in a rather odd senile restaurant named Le Cabanon.

On May 27th we continued north with less wind to Ajaccio, where we moored for to nights in Charles Ornano Marina. We had an excellent dinner at Da Mama and discovered the sights of Ajaccio.

Two days later we anchored in Gradele bay vis a vis the rocks of Calanques de Piana. May 30th we took a mooring bouy in beautiful Girolata bay and had a good fish dinner at Le Bon Espoir.

Next day we sailed with favourable strong southerly winds into Calvi harbor and had a delicious dinner at Aux Bons Amis. With less wind we motored to Saint Florent, refuelled our diesel tanks, and went south of the fort to the terrace of La Marinuccia celebrating the sunset with an exquisite dinner.
June, 2nd we continued farther north alongside Canari to a beautiful anchor place outside the fishing harbor of Centuri where we of course had a splendid fish menu at Le Vieux Moulin. Next day we rounded Cap Corse in benign seas and set anchor in beautiful Tamarone bay, where we enjoyed the turquoise waters and sandy beach for two more days.

On June, 5th we were happy to get a mooring place in Bastia Vieux Port for the next crew change and enjoyed a nice Vietnamese dinner at Le Saigon. Kurt left next day via Calvi to Vienna and my next crew arrived.
We logged 316sm and sailed 62h in 12 days
You may download our track in gpx-format
or view it directly on GoogleMaps.
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